
Wednesday, November 6, 2013

A Light at the End of my Dark Tunnel

Just call me Tap Dancing Tonya! I've got rings on my fingers and bells on my toes and I'm feeling awesome wherever I go. There is nothing better than running on clean fuel. I took a pit stop on Sunday when I tried to bake gluten free cornbread. And while it was mighty tasty, within an hour of eating it, I was pretty sick. Even though it didn't have wheat, my body did not like the highly processed flours. And because I had been feeling so great up until that point in time, I took it rather hard. It was kind of like getting smacked upside the head with Thor's hammer.

As I ate my salad at lunch today I realized that people spend large sums of money on drugs designed to fix their ills and I'm fixing mine with healthy food. I can eat something yummy and good for my body for about $3.00 and feel clear and sparkly, like those pictures they put on spring water that is sold in the grocery store. It sounds crazy and utterly too good to be true, but I’m living proof that it's possible.

I can manage multiple projects. I have extra energy. I'm happy. And I didn't even murder my children when they flooded the house the other night. And all because I cut a couple things out of my diet? Wow! If I had known this, I would have done it years ago.

The stress at work has been high this week. There is so much going on, and I really hate to think how I'd be handling it if I hadn't made this change. Now I'm not saying it would work for everyone, but it sure is working for me. My point is this, if you are sad, tired and sick of being overweight, if you hate your life and don't know why, if you think about walking into the headlights of oncoming traffic,(don't do that!), and you are willing to try anything, start by changing your diet. Food is the fuel by which our bodies run. It won't hurt you to eat more vegetables and less refined white flour/sugar. Making that small sacrifice might just drastically improve the quality of your life.

I have been living with depression for years and never understood why I felt so bad. Now I see the cycle. And what's so awful about it is that I would eat cookies and candy to help me feel better when they were really making everything worse. I may not have a full on gluten/dairy allergy, but my body is so much happier without them. I would pay a lot of money to fix my depression. If I knew of a sure fire pill, I would take it. So why not adjust my diet? It just makes good common sense.

I am so thankful God is showing me how to take care of myself. Life is hard. Life is imperfect. And we all have a lot of problems. So if I can change this one small thing(yes, I'm calling a gluten/dairy free diet a small thing) I am pleased as punch. It's one thing I can control. And hopefully, by sharing this with people, maybe someone else will find a way to help lessen their depression too.

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