
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

We All Need Somebody to Lean On

When I was in high school I loved the song, Lean on Me. The version I loved was an R&B cover by Club Nouveau. (The original song was written by Bill Withers.) I can still remember dancing around with my hairbrush in my bedroom, gyrating and twirling as I got ready for school. The hip hop beat really resonated with me at the time but the words still ring true today.

When I first began my journey to better health I asked a friend to be my accountability partner. I don't think Becky really knew what she was getting into when she said yes. In the beginning I was excited and hopeful. On day 2(ha!) I freaked out. I’m pretty sure I called crying hysterically and asking Becky to pray for me so I wouldn't eat any candy or french fries. I talk about french fries a lot because they were a staple in my diet back then. I never eat them now and honestly don't miss them but back then I couldn't imagine life without them. There were also numerous phone calls to Becky where she listened to me cry over cookies I couldn't eat at work, stress I didn't know how to handle without chocolate, and psychological issues related to a lifetime of food addiction. Her unwavering faith in my ability to lose the weight was my pillar of strength. Have I mentioned I'm a little melodramatic? But Becky never let on. She loved me just the way I was.

Then there were the days I had to confess the "bad" thing I had eaten. Sometimes she listened patiently and said, "It's okay. You won't do it again." But most of the time she said, "Margaret! What were you thinking?!" She is really good at giving lectures. Truth be told, I didn't always tell her when I cheated.

My point in mentioning all this is that more often than not we need someone to lean on in tough times. I know God hears me when I pray for help, but I’m not able to touch Him or hear His voice. I believe that is why God gave us friends. They help carry our burdens, and sometimes go so far as to admonish us when we are boneheads.

One of my favorite books is Pilgrims Progress by John Bunyan. I love the character of Hopeful who meets Christian after his friend Faithful is martyred. When they are imprisoned in Doubting Castle they have each other. I can almost see them in my mind, huddled together, weeping in despair. This is what friends do. They can't take the pain away, but they can hold us until the time of suffering is over.

I don't think I would have made it through my journey without Becky. I don't want to give her all the credit, I made my own choices. But she played an integral role by supporting me when I wasn't strong enough to support myself. A good friend adds sweetness to a bitter journey.

Today, be the kind of friend you want to have when your world crumbles, and say thank you to the "Beckys" in your life.


  1. Margaret, you are too honoring. MY memory is that when you first told me about the conviction to make changes, I KNEW that it was from God. I could hear it in your voice. I clearly saw that God had purposed in you to go on this journey and that He gave you the strength. I just sat back and listened.
    I should also mention how much YOU’ve inspired ME to make healthy changes. If you can do it (with working full-time and having three kids) then I can do it. Priorities and discipline are key, and God has given you the gift of these things. It has made me want them, too.

  2. What a great supportive friend you have in Becky, and you are also a "Becky" in my life. Thanks for inspiring me to lose the rest of my weight!
