
Monday, January 6, 2014

Cramped Quarters + Household Stress = My Favorite Vice

Well, hello winter! Hello cold air! Goodbye fresh air! It was nice knowing you. I prefer stale air anyway. I prefer to be trapped inside with 3 ornery children and a humongous stash of left-over Christmas cookies. I know I have the will power to resist them. After all, I've been resisting them for over 2 months now. And then I got the flu. And I felt like garbage, so I caved and began to nibble, munch and whole-heartedly devour every crumb I could get my hands on. Pretty sad, huh?

Better yet, after being trapped in the house for several days we found that the wonderful, cold, winter weather can killed my car. We cannot get it to start no matter how much jump-starting we try. And then there is the issue of our bathroom remodel project, which is not commencing nearly as fast as any of us want it to, making hot showers/baths impossible. These are fun times in the life of the Wolfinbarger clan. Fun times, let me tell you!

This morning my Kindle fell off the elliptical and to it's demise so the books I was reading are now in limbo. It just doesn't get any better than this. Thank goodness I have some library books stacked up. Now if only the stir-crazy kids would let me sit still long enough to read them.

And since the pounds are piling on(I still can't believe how fast!) I think I will go outside to walk/run them off. Oh, wait. I can't. It's lung-freezing cold out there.



Anticipating this chain of events(I know myself all too well), I ordered a step aerobic workout dvd. I waited and waited and when it finally arrived, oops! They sent the wrong one. I was really angry. The nice people at Amazon refunded my money but it took me another week to get the right one ordered. Still, yesterday, after the third day of the Cookie Apocolypse, the Low Impact Low Barre workout dvd by Cathe Friederich was better than nothing. The only necessary items were a chair, some weights and a resistance band. She emphasized, in the beginning, that this routine was one that dancers typically do to strengthen their muscles. And since I always wanted to be a dancer, I went for it with gusto. The workout was 74 minutes long and very challenging. By the time we got to the ab work I couldn't lift my legs and had to improvise with crunches. I can't remember the last time I worked so hard. It was extremely fulfilling when I finished without dying. And today I am sore in places I didn't know existed so I know I got a really good workout.

Then today, bless our post-lady, she brought me the dvd I actually ordered. It was like second Christmas! I popped it in straight away so I could see what I was in for when my buns stop throbbing(from yesterday's torture routine). I love step aerobics! And I love Cathe Frederich. But within ten minutes my heart sank. They don't call it advanced step aerobics for nothing. I figure it will probably take me a year to learn it. Still, I am pretty excited to try. Besides, anything is better than the monotonous elliptical machine. Even spinning around in confusion and trying not to trip over my aerobic step!

I hope everyone is staying warm and dry. And God bless all the creatures trying to survive outside in the cold! As for the Wolfinbarger's, we are facing our problems head on. Though I had to miss work today because of my dead vehicle, and though my children are trying to maim each other, I am in good spirits. I have a warm fire, Richard Simmons biography, "Still Hungry After All These Years" and Fox News. But if anyone would like to rescue me from the cookies, you are welcome to come visit. And when you leave, I swear I wouldn't notice if you took one of the beastlets with you. And if I did, I promise not to tell the authorities...

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