
Thursday, September 19, 2013

Family, Friends, and good Food

I love my family. I love my friends. I love to eat. Combine these three things and BLISS! My aunt(Mickey) and uncle(Mike) offered to let me pick green beans at an impromptu stop in the country on Sunday. They know I love green beans. Honestly, I think I could eat them every day and not complain. Because of their generosity I have free, fresh green beans all week. Steamed with butter, garlic and onions, they are heavenly.

My friend Sheryl inspired me to make salsa a few weeks ago. I cooked and canned a few pints and am slowly savoring my way through it. She also encouraged me to try guacamole. She said avocados are very good for the body. In my wildest dreams I would never have tried that weird, green fruit but I love my Sheryl and honestly, if she asked me to try fish heads, well, I would make a gallant try. I know she would never steer me wrong. So I made my first attempt at guacamole this week and Hooray! It was very yummy.

All of this to say, I continue to struggle with my eating. I want to eat too much too frequently. But I have resolved to try to eat healthier. And then my friends and family surround me with love and give me two of my favorite foods, of which I can pretty much eat what I want. Tonight for dinner I feasted on green beans and guacamole. And it seems like a strange combination but I love eat and they were very tasty. As I ate I thought about the people I love, who love me, and my heart was warm.

I was on "Mom strike" tonight because I needed to rest from my hectic life. Mom strike involved not making dinner for my family. They had to scrounge. And that was good for them. I made homemade bread for my husband(I have wholly converted him from store bought fluffy-no substance-pretends-to-be-bread) and I made guacamole. And I am happy.

Today was a long day, but significantly better than the days that preceded it. My boys are running around the house laughing and playing. No stress. No commotion. We have been just hanging out. Randy is telling me about the book he is reading, "Happy Happy Happy" by Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty fame. He has decided to be a duck hunter. Maybe I should go on Mom strike more often?

Tomorrow we see Switchfoot. We are SO excited. So I am heading to bed early with a few raisins as my sweet snack for the day. I ran this morning and did not hurt my hip. And, my husband is happy with the cake I brought him from work, that I was given and was somehow able to smuggle home without eating. Food, family, and friends makes for a happy happy happy Mom.

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